Month: October 2013

Trending Topics: Online Culture: Memes

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Twitter, it is the second most popular social media site in the US according to Most Popular Social Networking Sites. It’s full of insightful information, thought-provoking ideas, and gives you a glimpse into the lives of your followers. Twitter is impactful because of the amount of words you’re allowed to use per tweet; given only 140 words to convey your thoughts and opinions, tweets become more powerful. One thing that many enjoy about Twitter is trending topics.

Trending topics on Twitter are determined by a calculation of themes that are most talked about, or popular on Twitter at a current time.  Rather than topics that have been favored for some time or on a daily basis, trending topics lead you to find “the hottest emerging topics of discussion on Twitter that matter most to you,” as noted in FAQs about Trends on Twitter. They’re helpful because they allow you to follow a conversation or event that is currently being discussed on Twitter by a large number of people. You never know what ideas or events will be generating! With them, you’re able to keep up with local and world-wide happenings.

Screen-shot taken of 2012 Year On Twitter (click to follow link)
Screen-shot taken of 2012 Year On Twitter (click to follow link)

Before most trending topics you will see the pound symbol (#) also known as a hashtag. These allow you to follow up with a topic relating to the subject you find interesting. Sometimes a trending topic will be seen as just a word or phrase also, like “glad” below. Also, they are always changing. #Thanksgiving may be a trending topic one hour, then be replaced by #yummy the next.

I enjoy trending topics because by hash-tagging a current event you’re informing your followers, interacting with thousands of tweeters, and possibly gaining more followers. It’s an overall winning situation! Below are five topics that were trending on Oct. 29.

1. #nationalbestfriendday- This trend appears every Tuesday. Thousands tweet pictures of themselves with their best friend. It’s a reoccurring theme like #tbt and a fun aspect of our online culture.

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2. #StoryofMyLife- After clicking on this trend I was able to read a few funny tweets that carried the hashtag story of my life. This meme describes the way I was feeling this morning, #storyofmylife.

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3. #Sandy- Tweets concerning the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy cycled throughout Twitter.

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4. #NBA- With the NBA season starting, many tweeted their excitement about watching the Heat vs. Bulls game tonight!

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5. Glad- Many people were glad on Oct. 29, it was a word frequently being used in tweets.


Fellow bloggers, please stay tuned for my next posts about a call to join Twitter. Also, please contribute to my survey so I can see which social media site you enjoy most!

Related Posts:

Join Twitter Today!

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The logo of that blue bird stands for so much, to me it represents knowledge, expression, and culture. According to Wikipedia:Twitter, it was created in 2004 and immediately began gaining worldwide success. In 2012 there were 500 million users that tweeted 340 million times a day.

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Twitter is the second most used social media site in the US, as stated in Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites.   Then in 2006, Wikipedia says it was the number one social networking site used in Japan, even beating Facebook.

This site has been able to connect various cultures, and make a worldwide virtual connection amongst its users. Especially using tools like trending topics, read my article Trending Topics: Online Culture: Memes for more insight.

I first created my Twitter in 2011 when I was a junior in high school. At first I was totally lost with how to keep up with it. I wasn’t sure what I could do to gain more followers, what I should tweet that’s interesting and captures peoples’ attention, or even what quote or retweet was.  Now I think Twitter it’s awesome because I understand that retweeting or quoting someone you follow is like saying you feel or think the same way they do. I also know that to capture interest or attention you could tweet something that includes a trending topic, and that allows you to stay current.

In Five reasons why you should join Twitter by The Spectator, I completely agree with it’s first four reasons, I can’t seem to find the last one.

  1. You control the content- On Twitter, you decide who you’d like to follow and stay up to date with. On Facebook though, The Spectator compares it to your high school yearbook, saying you end up reading post by people you don’t affiliate yourself with anymore. Also, on Facebook you always find long updates on your timeline, whereas Twitter tweets are 140 words or less.
  2. It provides breaking news- Following hashtags on the discovery page allows you to keep up with worldwide events. When Osama bin Laden was killed, Twitter released that news 20 minutes before mainstream outlets did. Impressive.
  3. It’s a great networking resource- Twitter can be used as a type of portfolio, to showcase your work, and provide your background and contact information. Unlike Facebook, celebrity accounts are actually run by the person themselves. So if you at (@) them in something showcasing your work, you never know who might see or retweet it.
  4. Farmville doesn’t exist in Twitterverse- Yes! The games plastered all over Facebook can be very distracting and annoying!

Now that you know which social media site is my favorite,  how about you let me know which one is yours! Take the time to answer this poll, and leave a comment answering what you like most about the social networking site you chose.

Poll: Which school break is the most enjoyable?

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Hey everyone! Recently my school had fall break, and even though I had basketball practice, I was able to go home for two days. I didn’t realize how much I missed Lancaster in the fall,  maybe it’s the Halloween decorations you find on almost every house, the cold crisp breeze that makes you want to cuddle up in a blanket and watch scary movies, or the big tree with beautiful bright yellow leaves right in front of my house.

As I was driving back to school in Virginia Monday night, I thought to myself, “Which break do I enjoy the most?” There’s fall break, which brings the Halloween spirit, fun, and candy. Thanksgiving break, when you’re with all of your family eating great food. Winter break, the time of wrapping presents for family, playing in the snow, and singing Christmas carols . Then there’s spring break, you know, bonfires, hanging out with friends, and maybe even going to the beach.

Each break brings a new experience of family bonding, heart warming moments, and laughter. Which is why it was so hard for me to answer my very simple question! Still undecided, I would like to know which school break you think is the most enjoyable. Think back on your most fond memories, contribute to the poll, and let me know what you are looking forward to most in the upcoming breaks!

Throwback Thursday Memes! October 24

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Hello my fellow bloggers! For this weeks post I will be highlighting throwback Thursday, a day of the week many people in our culture look forward to. It’s a day that allows you to reflect on memories from the past, by simply posting an old photo on a social media site, along with #tbt.  I’ll be showing you memes that represent historical events that took place on October 24. Turns out this date actually has a ton of historical reference, but here are just five events that caught my eye. All information was taken from HistoryOrb.

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1. 1938- The US forbids child labor in factories.

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2. 1973- John Lennon sues the US government to admit the FBI is tapping his phone.

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3. 1981-Pablo Picasso’s painting Guernica, goes on display in Madrid to celebrate his birth.

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4. 1995- There was a solar eclipse in Asia that lasted two minutes and nine seconds.

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5. 2012- Hurricane Sandy makes landfall in Jamaica.

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I hope you all found these events to be as notable as I found them to be. Check out this post to get an idea of future topics I will be focusing on.  Please keep in mind my next post where you will be able to vote on which school break you think is the most enjoyable!

Engaging Sarah’s Blog

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My fellow blogger and classmate, Sarah Gingrich, has made a blog that appeals to many!

“Art: Internet”

Ms. Sarah Gingrich, photo taken from her Twitter account page @sarahgingart
Ms. Sarah Gingrich, photo taken from her Twitter account page @sarahgingart

So far she is doing a great job with keeping to her blog’s mission. In her posts she is naming different online/social media “platforms” artists are using to showcase their work, and how the online world is positively or negatively impacting their work. In her “10 Things to Look Forward to” post, she even gives a preview of 10 sites she will be exploring, and tells us why she likes them. In that post she notes that she explores, and uses these sites regularly; so it will be exciting to see if she uncovers interesting details about these sites that I’m unaware of.

The layout of Sarah’s blog is visually pleasing. The background is colorful and abstract like an art piece. I like that on the home page there is a feature picture for each post, and a small preview of the content; this makes you want to read the post more. She has useful widgets, and I especially enjoy the one that displays her Twitter feed; I think I will add that widget to my blog also. Other than the appearance, the blog is very inviting. Sarah writes things like “Welcome!” and “Join me as we take a deeper look!” This allows the audience to feel more comfortable giving feedback since they feel welcomed.

I appreciate that this blog found a different way of conveying creative online culture. Her pitch is very simple, and I like  that she is introducing us to different people, and letting us be inspired by their grind. By the many online/social media outlets she is presenting to us, it shows that she as an artist does not confine herself; but she looks to others to be inspired too. This blog gives me the idea to explore the works of many different artist, so I can expand my creativity.

"Internet Art" by David Kessel
“Internet Art” by David Kessel

Lets view Sarah’s posts one-by-one, and discuss what makes them so appealing, and what she might add to them to make them even better.

This is Sarah’s “Welcome” post, and first I enjoy that she gives the Marriam Webster Dictionary definition of art. Describing it as, “Something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings,” this was efficient, and it informs you that you will be seeing prolific things throughout this blog. She then goes on to say she hopes to share with us some of her favorite artists, and she hopes we share ours with her. I think one thing Sarah can make note of however is her artistic ability, and her experience with creating her own internet art (web design portfolio, Tumblr, Twitter).

Next is her post on visual artist, Emily Ruth, who has been able to make her very own film since she’s gained many fans from Youtube that are willing to support her. What I enjoy most about this post are the links to Emily’s works she’s included. I enjoy that she gives a backstory on Emily, it shows she’s been keeping up with her and has been a fan herself. I also enjoy her transition at the end of the post, noting what she will be speaking on next; it gives the audience something to look forward to. This post could be stronger if one of Emily’s videos were included.

Following is her post on the Carnival de Resistance she begins by saying how much fun she had watching their wind performance, and states what their purpose was. Then she goes on to discuss their community agreement, and I really enjoyed this. The agreement asked that no one take videos or pictures of them, and Sarah was a bit “skeptical” about this. She said, “What does this look like in an age of the internet where videos and photos of their carnival might allow them to get their names out, influence other people and gain a following?”  I love how she incorporated her opinion, made a very good point, and intertwined it with the internet! Later in the post she changes her mind however, and says it’s a beautiful that Carnival asked everyone to turn of their electronic devices, because too many times people are distracted by them during a performance. To make this post better she could have remained skeptical, and noted ways Carnival could have inspired more people if they would of allowed videos and photos to be taken at all of their events. (Our vid cam class project is a good example)

From the Carnival de Resistance Facebook Page
From the Carnival de Resistance Facebook Page

In her next post about Youtube’s impact on artist, she makes note of a few musicians who have gained success by showcasing their talents on Youtube. I think it is a great post. It brings happiness and energy, and is very inspiring especially to artists like me who have their own Youtube channels! She uses key words like “collaboration,” and I like that she incorporates a picture of each artist. To make it more appealing and interactive, she could include her favorite video by each of them and tell us why it is her favorite video of theirs. Then we can get a greater sense of who they are (the artists), and why she’s attracted to them.

Her latest post is one that even I find helpful! 7 Ways to Find the Good Stuff on the Internet! I enjoy Sarah’s advice in this post because it alerts me to trends, and shows how up to date she is with using online/social media sites. I can tell that she has found some very creative things online, so maybe if I follow her helpful steps I can find items on the internet that peak my interest too.

Sarah has included great values in her blog, as an artist myself I am excited to read her upcoming posts. I hope that as you read her posts you become inspired like me, and allow her showcase of creative online culture to resonate within you.

NFL Memes Week 6

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Thanks for the comment Nerd Panacea! A blog to help me with my NFL memes post.

Nerd Panacea

Why? Because it is hilarious, that’s why!!!

PLEASE put them away, Peyton!!!

View original post 120 more words

5 Twitter Feuds of 2013 and Memes!

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Marisa Okano, writer for Yahoo Music, recently made a post titled, “10 Juicy Twitter Feuds of Music: Staring Miley, Kendrick, and More.” Twitter not only gives you a glimpse into the lives of your most favorite celebrities, what they’re thinking and doing, but it also shows you how mean they can be too!

It comes to no surprise that Miley Cyrus has been taunted on Twitter, forcing her to defend herself causing hostility.  It does come as a surprise however that artist like Ciara, Taylor Swift, and Drake have also been caught in a Twitter feud.

Here are five Twitter feuds Okano notes in her post.

1. Amanda Bynes vs. Drake- Amanda Bynes has been acting very corky lately, from posting bizarre pictures of herself on the internet, to lashing out at celebrities for no apparent reason via Twitter; rapper Drake was one of them. First Bynes (@AmandaBynes) tweeted, “Drake has ugly downward facing eyes,” she continued on saying “He’s ugly and I won’t stop making fun of his ugly face!…” She even took it as far as insulting his mother! “The only person uglier than @drake is his mom.” Several weeks later Drake finally responded in an interview for XXL Magazine, he said, “I don’t even know who that is doing that or what that’s about. If that is her, I guess it’s a little weird and disturbing.” It’s obvious Drake knows he’s handsome, and his mom is beautiful.

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2. Rihanna vs. Ciara- During an E! interview with Ciara, she noted that her most recent encounter with Rihanna wasn’t the most friendly one. “She wasn’t the nicest… it wasn’t the best run-in,” she said. When Rihanna (@rihanna) heard about Ciara’s comment, she decided to throw harsh shade at her on Twitter, tweeting “I’m sorry Ci, did i 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme” what a solid first punch. Ciara (@ciara) fired back saying, “Trust me Rihanna u don’t want to see me on or off the stage.” Fans stayed glued to Twitter as the bickering continued. Finally, Rihanna decided to bring the feud to an end, “Ciara baby, I love u girl! U hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I’m heartbroken! That’s why I retaliated this way! So sorry! #letsmakeup,” she tweeted. Ciara tweeted back lightheartedly, “Ri u know its always been love since day 1! Doing shows/everything. You threw me off in that party. Apology accepted. Lets talk in person.” Both sassy, beautiful, and talented, maybe these superstars just have too much in common.

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3. Taylor Swift vs. Hallie Mathers (Alleged)- When Taylor Swift and One Direction’s, Harry Styles, began dating, opinions varied about the couple. One Styles fan that was completely outraged was Eminem’s alleged 16-year-old daughter, Hallie Mathers (@halliejade_x). Utterly disappointed in Styles for choosing Swift to be his girlfriend, Mathers tweeted angrily at Swift. “If @taylorswift13 is really dating the love of my life @harry_styles I will not be happy!” She continued, “Dear @taylorswift13, please stop whoring around with every guy you see. We all know you’re doing it so you can make another album.” Media and fans were confused, wondering how could Eminem’s daughter be so mean? Soon the fire was put out when a rep from Eminem’s camp told E! @halliejade_x was a mere impostor. The phony account vanished, but it hasn’t stopped others on Twitter from criticizing Swift about the many boyfriends she’s had.

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4. Katy Perry vs. Chief Keef- Katy Perry is a pop princess, and Chief Keef is a gangsta rapper. They produce two very different types of music. One day Perry heard Keef’s hit song, “Hate Bein’ Sober,” and was quit disgusted. The “Roar” songstress took her thoughts to Twitter (@katyperry), “Just heard a song on the radio called “I hate being sober” and now I have serious doubt for the world.” Keef would without a doubt buzz back at Perry, tweeting “I’ll smack the s–t out of her,” (@chiefkeef). Shortly after Perry responded to Keef with a formal apology, “Mr. Keef! I’m sorry if I offended you. I heard a lot of people guesting on the song & I didn’t even know it was you in particular. Actually…” Keef accepted her apology, and was much nicer tweeting this time around, “Oh I’m Sorry Too Then,” he said. Even though they’re at two ends of the musical spectrum, they can still be friends.

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5.Twitter vs. Kendrick Lamar- Kendrick Lamar recently featured on Big Sean’s song, “Control.” In Kendrick’s verse he spawns up enough guts to diss a few very respected rappers, such as Mac Miller, Drake, A$AP Rocky, and more. Once the song was leaked onto the web the song immediately became a trending topic. Some tweeted impressed by Lamar’s courage, others tweeted angrily saying his verse was very disrespectful. Soon the hashtag #RappersKendrickDidntMention began trending, bringing laughter to the twittersphere.

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10 Post Ideas

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  1. Gifs and Memes of the government shutdown including a story backdrop.
  2. Memes for trending topics on Twitter.
  3. Throwback Thursday memes.
  4. Memes and gifs for the NFL season.
  5. Memes for corky celebrity baby names.
  6. Memes from photos posted on Facebook along with a small narrative (would require interviewing.)
  7. Miley Cyrus is everywhere!  A montage of memes and gifs of her teeny bop years on Hannah Montana until now. With an overview of her recent buzz in the media.
  8. A script from the 2007 cancelled movie ‘Justice League: Mortal’ has recently leaked onto the web. Memes and gifs from ‘Justice League’ that bring back great childhood memories.
  9. Memes for John Travolta’s many hairdos.
  10. Memes and gifs for the forthcoming NBA season.

Memes & Gifs from the Carnival de Resistance Parade

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I had the privilege of filming Carnival de Resistance’s first parade ever, which took place in downtown Harrisonburg. Here are a few memes and gifs I made from moments I filmed during the event.

Foul air zombies
Foul air zombies (click image for gif)
Strutting in the parade
Strutting in the parade (click image for gif)
Power down, Lift up!
Power down, Lift up!
Jossimar Castro gives a great speech
Jossimar Castro gives a great speech. Hurray! (click image for gif) 

My Carnival de Resistance Experience

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Carnival de Resistance was a sight to see, and an experience to remember.

When I attended their air performance on Sept. 18, I found out they are strong lovers of the elements. Earth, wind, and fire.

They began the show by calling on the four directions of the wind, “Wind of the east, keep us under your wings,” and they continued by calling upon the other directions and their essences.

Freedom, power, and community, is what I gathered from Carnival de Resistance. A beautiful interpretive dance was given by two of its members during the show. I noticed a harnessed energy between them, it was not only powerful, but its as if a spirit was flowing right through them.


They presented us (the audience) with a strong sense of community, each member working together for an immense cause. They took their “Power down, lift up” cause so far as to have a manual powered sound system. This means one person was riding on a bike during the entire show to supply them with sound.


That spoke volumes because it showed us that they really do practice what they preach, and I thought it was a powerful message. I learned from Carnival that if there is something worth fighting for then give it your all, and give your best effort to spread that motivation so people understand and accept it.