My Carnival de Resistance Experience

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Carnival de Resistance was a sight to see, and an experience to remember.

When I attended their air performance on Sept. 18, I found out they are strong lovers of the elements. Earth, wind, and fire.

They began the show by calling on the four directions of the wind, “Wind of the east, keep us under your wings,” and they continued by calling upon the other directions and their essences.

Freedom, power, and community, is what I gathered from Carnival de Resistance. A beautiful interpretive dance was given by two of its members during the show. I noticed a harnessed energy between them, it was not only powerful, but its as if a spirit was flowing right through them.


They presented us (the audience) with a strong sense of community, each member working together for an immense cause. They took their “Power down, lift up” cause so far as to have a manual powered sound system. This means one person was riding on a bike during the entire show to supply them with sound.


That spoke volumes because it showed us that they really do practice what they preach, and I thought it was a powerful message. I learned from Carnival that if there is something worth fighting for then give it your all, and give your best effort to spread that motivation so people understand and accept it.

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