The Pitch

Creative culture online is a whirlpool of social ideas, brought forth and created through the online world. It can bring about movement, be a symbolic creation, generate emotions,  and even be a call to action.

If you are one that enjoys cultural/self expression, compelling ideas, and hilarious unexpected scenarios; this blog was made for you!

You might be asking, “Well what are some examples of creative online culture?” Here are two very famous factors that help make it up…memes, and gifs!


Harnessed Energy is the blog that will give and create examples of how one simple meme can change our perspective on different events, whether they be horrifying or hystarical; and how they can bring about social awareness. I will also branch off from memes and venture into gifs and vines; two other forms of expression used by creative online culture.




This blog will be very visual, funny, at times touching, enlightening, and insightful. Dive into this blog with a creative mind, and let me know some of your thoughts and ideas of creative culture online.


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