
Poll: Which school break is the most enjoyable?

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Hey everyone! Recently my school had fall break, and even though I had basketball practice, I was able to go home for two days. I didn’t realize how much I missed Lancaster in the fall,  maybe it’s the Halloween decorations you find on almost every house, the cold crisp breeze that makes you want to cuddle up in a blanket and watch scary movies, or the big tree with beautiful bright yellow leaves right in front of my house.

As I was driving back to school in Virginia Monday night, I thought to myself, “Which break do I enjoy the most?” There’s fall break, which brings the Halloween spirit, fun, and candy. Thanksgiving break, when you’re with all of your family eating great food. Winter break, the time of wrapping presents for family, playing in the snow, and singing Christmas carols . Then there’s spring break, you know, bonfires, hanging out with friends, and maybe even going to the beach.

Each break brings a new experience of family bonding, heart warming moments, and laughter. Which is why it was so hard for me to answer my very simple question! Still undecided, I would like to know which school break you think is the most enjoyable. Think back on your most fond memories, contribute to the poll, and let me know what you are looking forward to most in the upcoming breaks!