
Memes & Gifs from the Carnival de Resistance Parade

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I had the privilege of filming Carnival de Resistance’s first parade ever, which took place in downtown Harrisonburg. Here are a few memes and gifs I made from moments I filmed during the event.

Foul air zombies
Foul air zombies (click image for gif)
Strutting in the parade
Strutting in the parade (click image for gif)
Power down, Lift up!
Power down, Lift up!
Jossimar Castro gives a great speech
Jossimar Castro gives a great speech. Hurray! (click image for gif) 

5 Hilarious Internet Memes of 2013

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1. Miley Carey

Miley Cyrus, VMAs
Miley Cyrus is noted to resemble Jim Carey after her unexpected, and shocking VMA performance. Courtesy of

2. Kanye and Kim’s little Northwest

Kanye and Kim are made fun of for naming their daughter Northwest
Kanye and Kim are made fun of for naming their daughter Northwest. Courtesy of

3. Miguel adorns his fan

Miguel does a split on a girls face during his Billboard Awards performance; and his song "Adorn" is altered to fit the picture.
Miguel does a split on a girls face during his Billboard Awards performance, and his song “Adorn” is altered to describe the moment. Courtesy of

4. Chris Brown defends himself

A meme of Chris Brown is made to show his reaction to the Miguel split incident.
A meme of Chris Brown is made to show his reaction to the Miguel split incident. Courtesy of

5. Beyoncé turns tables

Beyoncé fixed holding a DJing table after unflattering pictures taken of her Superbowl Halftime performance.
Beyoncé fixed holding a DJing table with a cat after unflattering pictures taken of her during the Superbowl Halftime performance. Courtesy of